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Maryke Louw
4 min read
Achilles tendonitis vs. plantar fasciitis – How to tell the difference
The main differences between Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis, how to treat them, and what to do if you have both.

Maryke Louw
4 min read
Achilles tendonitis rehab - What if you can’t rest your tendon?
Some people’s jobs prevent them from giving their injured Achilles tendon enough rest to recover. Here are some tips on how to deal with it.

Maryke Louw
8 min read
Achilles tendonitis treatment for seniors / older people
Factors to take into account when treating seniors / older people with Achilles injuries.

Steph Davies
5 min read
Eccentric heel drops – Why aren’t they working for my Achilles pain?
This article explains why eccentric exercises for Achilles injuries might not have the desired effect and what you can do to fix this.

Alison Gould
4 min read
Achilles tendon laser treatment - Does it work?
Laser therapy for Achilles injuries may or may not provide short-term pain relief, but is unlikely to produce long-term relief and recovery.

Maryke Louw
3 min read
Are squats bad for Achilles tendonitis?
Squats can make your pain worse if you have Achilles tendonitis. How to adapt your squats to take the strain off your Achilles tendon.

Maryke Louw
7 min read
Plyometric exercises for Achilles tendon rehab
Plyometrics can be useful for Achilles tendon rehab in some cases, and it is safe when introduced and done in the right way.

Maryke Louw
7 min read
Try this before you have a Tenex procedure for your Achilles tendon
Tenex has some advantages over other types of surgery, but it shouldn't be your first option for recovery from Achilles tendonitis.

Alison Gould
6 min read
Why a night splint for Achilles tendonitis is a waste of money
Why a night splint for Achilles tendonitis is not the best option, and what you should do instead to recover from your Achilles injury.

Maryke Louw
5 min read
Jumping rope and Achilles pain or Achilles tendonitis
1. Can jumping rope cause Achilles pain? 2. Can you use rope jumping as part of your treatment for Achilles tendonitis or tendinopathy?

Maryke Louw
4 min read
Ankle braces for Achilles tendonitis – do they work?
We explain why braces aren’t very useful for Achilles pain and suggest another simple thing you can do to help alleviate the pain.

Alison Gould
5 min read
Can I play football (soccer) with Achilles tendonitis?
This article provides some guidelines on whether and how to keep on playing football with an injured Achilles tendon.

Alison Gould
4 min read
Walking with Achilles tendonitis
We often get asked, 'Is it OK to walk with Achilles tendonitis?' Here, we explain the dos and don'ts of walking with Achilles tendonitis.

Alison Gould
5 min read
Taping for Achilles tendonitis
We explain why people use kinesiotape on Achilles injuries, what the research says about how effective it is, and what else you can do.

Alison Gould
6 min read
Shoe inserts for Achilles tendonitis
Heel-raising Achilles tendon inserts for your shoe can help to relieve Achilles pain but will not heal your injury. Here's what to do.

Maryke Louw
8 min read
Running with Achilles tendonitis - Is it safe? How to decide
Not everyone who has Achilles tendonitis has to stop running, but this doesn’t mean that it’s OK to keep on running regardless of pain or...

Maryke Louw
4 min read
Calcific Achilles tendonitis: Causes and treatment
Calcific Achilles tendonitis is when your usual tendonitis is accompanied by some calcification in your Achilles tendon. This article...

Maryke Louw
6 min read
Achilles tendinopathy exercise progression - How quickly can you do it?
Why it is better not to do your Achilles tendinopathy exercise progression too quickly, so you can avoid injuring your tendon again.

Maryke Louw
4 min read
Why increasing the blood flow to your Achilles tendon will not speed up its healing
Why you don’t have to worry about stimulating the blood flow to your injured Achilles tendon and what you should do to make it heal quicker.

Maryke Louw
4 min read
Got hit in the Achilles tendon? Here’s what injuries it can cause and how to treat them
In this article, we discuss three types of injury that may result from getting hit in the Achilles tendon and how to treat these injuries.
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