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Maryke Louw
2 min read
Why corticosteroid injections may not be a good treatment option for Achilles tendinopathy
Corticosteroid injections can provide excellent pain relief in the short term, but they are bad for your tendon in the long run.
Alison Gould
5 min read
My Achilles hurts so much? What shall I do?
After a sudden change in activity (load) or direct trauma, an Achilles tendon may become very painful, so much so that exercise and...
Maryke Louw
3 min read
High volume injections as treatment for Achilles tendinopathy
A high volume injection is one of the treatment options for patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy. Does it work?
Maryke Louw
4 min read
PRP injections for Achilles tendinopathy
The jury is still out on whether a PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injection is an effective treatment for Achilles tendinopathy.
Maryke Louw
4 min read
Achilles tendinopathy – Do I need a scan?
You don’t need a scan for us to be able to diagnose you with Achilles tendinopathy, but it can be useful. In this article, I discuss what...
Maryke Louw
3 min read
Should you change your running style if you have Achilles tendinopathy?
The research has not found any strong link between Achilles tendinopathy and altered running mechanics. There is one definite exception...
Alison Gould
4 min read
Eccentric exercises (calf raises) for Achilles tendonitis – How they work and when to use them
Achilles tendinopathy exercise series: Progressive treatment exercises for Achilles tendonitis/tendinopathy: What, when, and how much? Is...
Maryke Louw
3 min read
Are you worried about rupturing your Achilles tendon? Then read this
Yes, Achilles tendinopathy is a condition that can weaken you tendon and yes, if left unchecked it can lead to tendon rupture. BUT this...
Maryke Louw
4 min read
How your nerves may affect/cause Achilles tendinopathy
There’s a “silent” Achilles tendinopathy that has been baffling clinicians and researchers, because it seems to develop even in very...
Alison Gould
5 min read
Isotonic exercises – How to use them for treating Achilles tendonitis
Achilles tendinopathy exercise series: Progressive treatment exercises for Achilles tendonitis/tendinopathy – What, when, and how much?...
Alison Gould
5 min read
Isometric exercises for Achilles tendinopathy – How they work and when to use them
Achilles Tendonitis/Tendinopathy Exercise Series: Progressive treatment exercises for Achilles tendonitis/tendinopathy: What, when, and...
Maryke Louw
3 min read
Can statins cause Achilles tendinopathy?
Yes. The side effects of statins include an increased risk of developing Achilles tendinopathy and of Achilles tendon tears. The...
Alison Gould
4 min read
Achilles pain training errors: Too much high intensity training
Training Error Series: Common Achilles pain training errors: Boom and bust cycles Achilles pain training errors: Not enough R&R Achilles...
Alison Gould
3 min read
Achilles pain training errors: Large increases in weekly mileage
Training Error Series: Common Achilles pain training errors: Boom and bust cycles Achilles pain training errors: Not enough R&R Achilles...
Maryke Louw
3 min read
Three signs that you need more recovery time in your running programme
You probably know by now that recovery and rest are very important components of your training programme if you want to avoid overuse...
Alison Gould
4 min read
Achilles pain training errors: Not enough R&R
Rest and recovery are important factors to consider as part of injury prevention and treatment.
Maryke Louw
4 min read
These antibiotics can cause Achilles tendonitis and tendon rupture
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics can cause both Achilles tendonitis and spontaneous Achilles tendon rupture in fit and active people.
Maryke Louw
3 min read
Why Relative Rest is so important when treating Achilles pain
People often ask me on YouTube : “For how long should I rest my injury?” The answer to this is “Not long at all!” Injuries don’t heal...
Alison Gould
4 min read
Top 5 reasons why your Achilles is not getting better
Have you tried to get rid of your ongoing Achilles pain, but things aren’t improving? Here are the Top 5 reasons why this might be.
Maryke Louw
4 min read
How runners can avoid recurring Achilles pain
Here are some things you can do to minimise the risk of re-injuring your Achilles tendon through running.
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