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Gout vs. Achilles tendonitis – How to tell the difference
How to tell the difference between a gout attack and Achilles tendonitis, how gout affects the Achilles tendon, and how to treat it.
Maryke Louw
6 min read

Exercises for Haglund’s deformity – what works and what to avoid
What exercises for Haglund's deformity to avoid, what exercises might be useful, and at what stage of treatment to start doing them.
Maryke Louw
5 min read

Heel bursitis exercises to avoid
The calf and Achilles stretches for heel bursitis that are so commonly prescribed can actually make your injury worse. Do this instead.
Maryke Louw
3 min read

Achilles tenosynovitis – Treatment when the sheath around your tendon is painful
Why the treatment for Achilles tenosynovitis/paratenonitis often goes hand-in-hand with the treatment for an injured Achilles tendon.
Maryke Louw
10 min read

Achilles injury recovery time – Five psychological tips to get better quicker
The five psychological factors that can help injured people to recover from their injuries sooner.
Alison Gould
11 min read

Pain at the back of the heel? How to figure out what’s causing it and what to do about it
An overview of the most common causes of pain at the back of the heel and what treatments work best for each.
Maryke Louw
10 min read

Posterior ankle impingement – Symptoms, tests, and treatment
What is posterior ankle impingement, and how to diagnose and treat it. It is often misdiagnosed as Achilles tendonitis.
Maryke Louw
10 min read

Sever’s disease is not a disease – How to manage this injury in active children
What causes Sever’s disease in children, how to treat it while allowing the child to continue doing sports, and how to avoid a recurrence.
Alison Gould
11 min read

Achilles tendonitis vs. plantar fasciitis – How to tell the difference
The main differences between Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis, how to treat them, and what to do if you have both.
Maryke Louw
4 min read

Tingling around your heel and Achilles tendon: Causes and treatments
In this article, we list the most common causes of tingling or numbness in the heel area and what treatment may be most appropriate.
Maryke Louw
5 min read

Why is there a popping feeling in my Achilles tendon?
“Why is there a popping, clicking, or creaking feeling in my Achilles tendon?” is one of the questions we are often asked.
Alison Gould
3 min read

Calcific Achilles tendonitis: Causes and treatment
Calcific Achilles tendonitis is when your usual tendonitis is accompanied by some calcification in your Achilles tendon. This article...
Maryke Louw
4 min read

Got hit in the Achilles tendon? Here’s what injuries it can cause and how to treat them
In this article, we discuss three types of injury that may result from getting hit in the Achilles tendon and how to treat these injuries.
Maryke Louw
4 min read

Understanding plantaris tendon pain, how it affects the Achilles, and how to treat it
The plantaris tendon runs right next to the Achilles tendon and is thought to sometimes play a role in why the Achilles tendon gets...
Maryke Louw
7 min read

Heel bursitis: Causes and treatment
The full name for the bursitis you get in the back of your heel, underneath the Achilles tendon, is retrocalcaneal bursitis. That’s a bit...
Maryke Louw
7 min read

Haglund’s deformity treatment – How to avoid surgery
Have you been told that you have a Haglund's deformity that is causing pain in your Achilles tendon or at the back of your heel? In this...
Maryke Louw
9 min read

How we can diagnose and treat your Achilles injury via video call
How we safely assess, diagnose, and treat patients with Achilles injuries via video call and what you can expect from such a consultation.
Alison Gould
6 min read
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