We use our four-step process to make sure that we create a treatment programme for your Achilles tendon injury that is tailored to your specific needs and that will get you back to activity as quickly as possible.
Getting the big picture
In the first video call, your physio will spend quite a bit of time asking questions and listening to you, so that they can make a diagnosis and get to grips with all aspects of your injury as well as your medical history and life and work circumstances.
This discussion is essential even if you already have a diagnosis. It will enable your physio to:
identify the factors that may have contributed to your injury,
know what to keep in mind when creating your personalised treatment plan,
decide whether further tests or scans are necessary,
decide on the most appropriate movement tests for you (see Step 2).
Every person’s situation is unique, and this information is crucial to ensure that your treatment plan is right for you. We don’t do one-size-fits-all treatment plans.
Creating a treatment plan
Next (still in the first video call), your physio will ask you to do some movement tests to assess the current strength and sensitivity of your injured tendon.
They will then use this information as well as the information from the in-depth discussion (Step 1) to create a treatment plan that will include:
what level of daily activities, walking, or sport you can continue with while recovering,
what exercises you should do specifically for your Achilles tendon and at what volume and intensity,
what additional exercises you should do to ensure that you have a strong core and legs to support your Achilles tendon,
what activities in your day-to-day life and work you may want to adapt to help your tendon to recover better.
Your physio will ask you to do the prescribed exercises on camera so that both of you can be sure that you will be doing them right.
After the first call, your physio will send you via e-mail:
a summary of the video call, including your bespoke treatment plan,
pictures and/or videos of the exercises to make sure that you know exactly what to do.
Progressing your plan
Your exercise plan will usually start with gentle, easy exercises, but these have to intensify gradually to ensure that your Achilles tendon gets back to its former strength.
What you work towards and what exercise targets your physio will set you will depend on what your goals are. For instance, the treatment plan for a runner will be very different from that of someone who just wants to get back to walking their dog.
So, in the follow-up calls your physio will ask your about your exercises, pain levels, and any problems with daily or work activities relating to your injury. They will use this information to advise you on whether and how to progress your exercise plan and, if necessary, how to deal with any related problems.
Most patients find that it works well to space their follow-up sessions at two-weekly intervals, but it all depends on your progress. We don’t believe in rushing things, but at the same time there’s no need to hold you back if you’ve hit your targets early.
Future-proofing your tendon
We’re not just interested in helping you get over your current Achilles injury. We also want to make sure that you avoid getting injured in future. That’s why, during the course of your treatment, we’ll help you to identify and navigate potential pitfalls that can cause Achilles injuries in the first place.
This could include, for example, advice on shoes, your daily activities, or your training programme.
Ongoing strength exercises for your Achilles tendon are really important. These will ensure that your tendon stays robust and strong enough for all the activities you want to be doing.
Our aim is that, by the time you've recovered from your Achilles injury and are ready to self-manage, you will know:
how to safely manage your daily activities and sport,
what Achilles exercises you should continue with,
what strength exercises you should do for the rest of your body.